Some mushroom hunters eating freshly picked Oyster mushrooms!
Since the Fall of 2015 I have hosted hikes to teach about hunting mushrooms. Wild mushrooms can be very dangerous, but a few choice edibles common in our region are easy and safe to collect.
It's hard to plan too far in advance for one of the classes because it's very important for there to be rain beforehand. Anywhere I sell mushrooms or visit as a guest speaker I collect emails to invite people for my walks. You can sign up now, reach out to me on social media, or visit me at a farmer's market to be added to this list.
Make sure to follow Swampy Appleseed on Instagram and Facebook for pop-up mushroom classes and pictures of which mushrooms are in season!
When the conditions are right for mushrooms I'll send out an invite to everyone on my email list and social media with directions for when/where the next classes will be. Typically I will pick a Sunday with a few different class times to choose from. The classes start with a riveting introduction to Fungi at the trail head, followed by a 1-2 mile hike hunting and identifying wild mushrooms! Kids and pets are always welcome. I bring ice water and usually prepare a small mushroom-tasting on a camp stove. They are always lots of fun!
The Lion's Mane mushroom is a great edible for beginner mushroom foraging. There is no close look-aiike and they are delicious! They can range from the size of a golf ball to larger than a basketball! Look up in oak trees during the Fall and Winter.